Committee elections

Committee elections 2024

This week the committee elections are taking place at the University of Stuttgart. The elections are conducted online, you can vote on the Siam-Portal of the university Stuttgart. This makes it easier for you to cast your vote and decide which student representatives you want to represent your concerns.

To participate in the election, please use your student credentials to log in to the SIAM portal of the University. Then click on the tab “Wahlen”. The election forms for all three committees are on the same page beneath each other.

Even with most of the committees rather working in the background and students oftentimes not following their work thoroughly, decisions directly affecting you and your study are made there!

The committees in detail

The Fakultätsrat (faculty council)

The Fakultätsrat (faculty council) consists of all the faculty professors as well as elected assistant representatives. All things regarding our faculty are discussed and decided here, e.g. different admission and exam regulations. The members of the Studienkommission (study commission) and Prüfungsausschuss (examination committee) are also elected in one of the faculty council meetings. Therefore, who is a member of the faculty council has a noticeable impact on every student of our department! That’s why we want as many students of our department as possible to be elected member of the faculty council. We put up a common list of candidates together with other Fachschaften (student groups, namely Computer Science, Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics, and Infotech). In our opinion, it’s important that we be represented with as many members of the student group of Electrical Engineering (FS-EI) as possible. You have 9 votes which have to be cast for 9 candidates, 7 of which are members of the FS-EI:

1. Tobias Lemke … 2. Sascha Michel … 5. Leon Schmid … 6. Erik Schneider … 9. Krystof Belak … 10. Lukas Fink

The Studierendenparlament (StuPa, student parliament)

The StuPa is the legislative body of the Studierendenvertretung (stuvus, student council). It consists of 29 members overall: the 6 elected senators (ex officio), one representative each for all 10 faculty councils, as well as 13 student representatives directly elected by you. There are many lists of candidates drawn up for this election, each pursuing their own interest, and some of which are influenced by party politics. The Fachgruppenliste (student group list) however consists of members of the respective student groups and is committed to improving study conditions and life on campus. You can cast 13 votes.

Among other things, the StuPa decides how your student body fee (10 Euros per semester) is being used. Our candidates are committed to make sure your fees are used to suit your needs and interests as well as better cooperation between student committee members and more student council transparency.

The Senat (senate)

The Senat is the central committee at the University. Here, all members of the rectorate, deans of all 10 faculties, and elected professors, assistants and students come together. You can cast 6 votes and again cumulate two votes per candidate. We recommend “Fachgruppenliste” which pursues student interests independent of any party politics.

Please take the student elections seriously. The elected representatives have a huge influence on your future study and everyday life at the University of Stuttgart. It’s worth going to vote! Your vote ensures student interests being adequately considered in important decisions.